I. Прочитайте и устно переведите со словарем весь текст. Письменно переведите абзацы 2,3,4.


1. In preindustrial America, firms were typically very small and owner – managers had daily personal contact with their employees, supervising as they worked alongside them. Manufacturing establishments were craft shops in which the owners directly supervised journeymen and apprentices.
2. Gradually, as entrepreneurs increased in number and it became socially acceptable for individuals to pursue their economic self – interest, a social environment evolved in which the energies of individuals were directed by raising or lowering the rewards offered for various tasks.
3. A market – oriented society began to emerge. Competition appeared, marking it tougher for any one firm to gain a strategic position for its own advantage. Likewise, buyers were restrained from forcing prices below the costs of production, for other eager buyers would guickly outbid them. The market became a contest wherein buyers sought to pay as little as possible for commodities and sellers sought to extract as high a price as buyers would pay.
4. As late as the 1870s, the major business enterprises were engaged in servicing an agrarian economy. Except for a few companies supplying the needs of the rapidly expanding railroad enterprises, the leading firms processed agricultural products and provided farmers with food and clothing.
5. These firms were generally small by today’s standards – even though they utilized what then were mass production technologies. They bought their raw materials locally and for the most part they sold their finished goods locally. Where they manufactured for a market more than a few miles away, they distributed their goods through commissioned agents or jobbers who handled the business of several other similar firms.


1. В допромышленной Америке фирмы были обычно очень маленькие и владельцы – управляющие имели ежедневный личный контакт с их наемниками, наблюдая за ними, т.к. они работали бок о бок с ними.
Промышленные заведения были ремесленными мастерским, в которых  
владельцы непосредственно наблюдали за квалифицированными
рабочими – наемниками и подмастерьями.
2. Постепенно, т.к. число предпринимателей увеличивалось и стало социально приемлемым для людей преследовать свои экономические интересы, социальная среда развивалась, где силой людей управляли возрастающие или уменьшающиеся вознаграждения, предложенные за различную работу.
3. Стало появляться рыночно ориентированное сообщество. Появилась конкуренция, делающая более жестокими для фирмы условия того, чтобы добиться стратегической позиции для собственной выгоды. Более того, покупатели были ограничены принудительными ценами ниже цены продукции, ввиду того, что другие, горящие большим желанием покупатели, быстро перебили бы их. Рынок стал соперничеством там, где покупатели стремились заплатить как можно меньше за товары, а продавцы стремились извлекать такие высокие цены, насколько покупатели бы платили.

II. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Who directly supervised journeymen & apprentices?
The owners directly supervised journeymen and apprentices.(1- ый абзац)
2. How were the energies of individuals directed?
The energies of individuals were directed by raising or lowering the rewards offered for various tasks.( 2- ой абзац)
3. What made it tougher for any one firm to gain a strategic position for its own advantage?
Competition made it tougher for any one firm to gain a strategic position for
its own advantage. (3-ий абзац)
4. When were the major business enterprises engaged in servicing an agrarian
As late as the 1870s, the major business enterprises were engaged in
servicing an agrarian economy.(4-ый абзац)
5. What did the leading firms process?
The leading firms processed agricultural products and provided farmers
with food and clothing.(4- ый абзац)

III. Вместо пропусков вставьте одно из следующих слов: consumers, production, enterprise.

1. Under capitalism, individual economic feedom & private enterprise are dominant considerations.
2. Business firms build new production facilities, invest in more efficient eguipment, implement new technologies.
3. Owner managers of business firms found it advantageous to synchronize their production decisions with the desires of consumers.

IV. Переведите следующее предложение:

Calculating defence budgets has to be done with extreme care/
  Расчет оборонного бюджета должен быть сделан крайне внимательно.

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